Educational and Psychological Services
Tutoring: My child has difficulty reading; do you have tutors? Does my child have attention deficit disorder (with or without hyperactivity)? My doctor said I need family counseling; can you help? Yes to all these and many more of your concerns.
When children struggle in school, the frustration can seem overwhelming. Whether the child is falling behind or trying to get ahead, Comprehensive Therapy Center has the tools to help achieve success. Our tutors are special education teachers adept at working with all children needing a boost, reentering the school system from a closed head injury, or having developmental disability.
Diagnosis is the key to any treatment that includes paying attention. Our team works with doctors and schools to make sure that diagnosis and the subsequent treatment is the best for your family. We are a bridge between medicine and the education your child receives. Comprehensive evaluations help both the doctor and the school make informed decisions. Once the decisions are made we are ready to provide follow up and tutoring, if needed.
Counseling: Having a child is challenging enough for parents, and having a child with special needs can cause even more stress. To help we have psychological and counseling services available. A favorite initial topic is “I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream. Let’s Stop.”