Therapeutic Play Groups are back!

We’re back at it! Our new session of Therapeutic Play and Learn Groups, a weekly 5-session therapeutic program, will start again on January 7th at 6 pm.

The Therapeutic Play and Learn Groups are focused on helping children develop important social, speech, and occupational skills within a group setting. The groups are focused around the Ready by Five Success Basics and provided through a neurodiversity-focused lens.

Each group is a series of 5 weekly 90-minute sessions. Every meeting includes a group activity and child-directed playtime.  Through live Zoo meetings, we provide four activity “stations” via breakout rooms: 

Dance/Movement Therapy, Gross and Fine Motor Skill Development, Sensory Integration Activities, and Speech-Language Therapy. The stations are led by therapists and supervised by Jan Wilks.

The Therapeutic Play and Learn Groups are designed with both children and caregivers in mind. At the end of the series, caregivers leave with materials including handouts on support activities, information on the Success Basic, and at least one book for home reading. All workshop materials will be available in both Spanish and English.  

The Therapeutic Play and Learn Groups program was made possible because of the generosity of Kent County taxpayers and the voter-approved Ready by Five Early Childhood Millage. For more information about where and when these playgroups will occur, visit the Comprehensive Therapy Center webpage, or visit the CTC Facebook page.