CARF accredits Comprehensive Therapy Center

CARF has accredited Comprehensive Therapy Center as an Interdisciplinary Outpatient Medical Rehabilitation Program for Adults, Children and Adolescents, and as a Pediatric Specialty Program.  This is the second Three-Year Accreditation that we have has received from the international accrediting commission.  “We are extremely pleased that our agency has earned this important accreditation,” says Jean Silbar, Executive Director.  “We will be able to help even more children, families and adults with special needs to walk, talk, learn and play – so they can read and write.”
An organization receiving a Three-Year Accreditation (with governance standards applied) has put itself through a rigorous peer review process and has demonstrated to a team of surveyors during an on-site visit that its programs and services are of highest quality, measurable, and accountable.CARF
CARF is the accrediting body that establishes consumer-focused standards to help organizations measure and improve the quality of their programs and services.

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