by Ellen Sawyer
Hi! My name is Andy and I’m 7! I’m going to Therapy & Fun this summer. It’s to help me learn new skills and play with friends when there is no school. My mom and dad met with my speech and occupational therapists in the spring to set goals that will help me be ready for second grade in the fall!
Here’s what we do during a day of Therapy and Fun:
In the morning my buddy [a highly trained teen therapy aid] picks me up from the gate. She has a sign with my name on it so I know right where to find her.
The first thing we do is make a giant circle. Then we sing songs that have funny motions [Dance Movement Therapy]. This helps get my body moving and ready to work. After we sing, we get to do the obstacle course [Gross Motor]. I like to walk on a balance beam.
Afterwards, my buddy helps me find Ms. Brie’s room where we practice asking questions and answering them [Individual Speech]. Ms. Brie usually plays a game with me.
Next, a new buddy comes and helps me find the reading room. This is a quiet room where I practice reading, and sometimes I have a story read to me.
Then, my buddy takes me to see Ms. Teresa and I practice writing my name and all the letters [Fine Motor]. Ms. Teresa reminds me how to hold my pencil and where to start each letter. Sometimes I play with play dough or take a turn in the rice table! [Sensory]
I’m getting hungry. Good thing it’s time for a snack. I sit with the same friends every day and we practice using our manners asking for more and passing things around the table [Group Speech].
After we finish eating, we clean up our place and go to Ms. Becca’s room for Community Group. In Community Group we learn skills that will help us as we grow up. Right now we are doing a fundraiser for Therapy & Fun by collecting and counting pop bottles. Our goal is to raise $500! We also color bags for Kids Food Basket. My favorite part of Community Group is writing our very own play. We think up a topic, write a script and then make scenery! On the last day, we get show a video of the play to our family and friends [Social Skills].
At the end of the day, my buddy walks with me to the playground and we play until my mom picks me up. Sometimes my mom wants to talk to Ms. Teresa or Ms. Becca so I have to be patient, but it’s okay because there are so many friends on the playground.
I love Therapy & Fun because everyone is so nice. It helps me discover all the things I never knew I could do!