Fun! (and Therapy too)



We are halfway through our time together at Therapy & Fun, and we are thrilled with the progress the children are making!
This Summer our theme is Pet Shop, so we’ve been working on activities and crafts centered around the different animals we might like as pets.
TFfrog TFfrogbook
It hasn’t been all dogs and cats, we are also learning about turtles and mice and birds and horses and many more types of animals. Frogs were a big hit with our young clients and the student volunteers alike.
TFteresa-and-rico TFball
Our therapists help the children in a variety of ways. On the left, Teresa works with Rico on maintaining balance and strength in his occupational therapy.
On the right, Rhonda is having Dean work on his gross motor skills with the therapy ball, and his fine motor skills with the string of beads in his hand.
TForalstation TForalstim
We have stations set up in the hallway for the students to work on skills as they move between sessions. Oral Stimulation is just before snack. Victoria and her volunteer friend Quinn work their jaw muscles so they are ready to chew and swallow their food.
TFparachute TFjordon-and-max
Group activities and one-on-one time help make learning to walk, talk, learn and play fun for everyone. We can’t wait to see what more advancements the children will make in our last couple of weeks together!

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