Helping Hands



We have hit the three week mark! Our young clients are all making excellent progress on their goals, and having a lot of fun while they’re at it.

In the Arts and Crafts room we have been working hard towards our fine motor goals. Look at the strong, steady lines used to trace this lovely hand! I think the nail polish color is wonderful.

We received a generous grant from Ronald McDonald Charities of West Michigan to purchase computers and iPads for use in therapy. Ms. Brink and Eric are using a sorting app to work on communication skills.

Sam told me that he’s building a robot. Little does he know that he’s actually working hard on his fine motor skills.
Jack holds a mirror up so he can watch his mouth as he tries to repeat the words Ms. LeCleir is showing him.
Torin’s favorite activity is reading to our young clients.
We’ve had a blast here this week learning to walk, talk, learn, and play. Please let us know if you’d like to visit to learn more about what we do.