Therapy and Fun is in its 4th week, and we’re doing great! Well, to be honest, the heat has been a little challenging, but having lots of fans and lots of water has helped us keep cool and productive.
For instance, two year old Anna, who has Down’s Syndrome, came to Therapy and Fun this summer not knowing how to walk. Last week she took nine unassisted steps down the hallway! The look of joy and triumph on her face was an awesome moment to witness.
Jake, like most children with Autism, often has trouble working in groups. So when he participated in the reading room last Wednesday without causing disruption, everyone was so excited for him that they broke into a rousing round of applause! Jake found this so delightful and encouraging that he has continued to work hard in groups.
Mabel, who couldn’t navigate uneven ground, is now going up and down steps. Matt, who used to shove his way through groups, is now taking turns. Caiden, who couldn’t move his lips to make an “f” sound, is now playing “Go Fish” with confidence. And the list goes on!
Our teen and college volunteers are also having a great time. Yes, they have to be there at 8:00 in the morning, but they find such joy in making a difference in children’s lives that many of them returning for their second, third, and fourth summers.
For instance, Abby spent her weekend on Cloud 9 when Tanya, who is Autistic, looked her in the eye and said “Hello!” Abby had been working one-on-one with Tanya for three summers now, and knew what a huge breakthrough this was. Abby was still beaming about it the following week!
As we hit the midpoint of Therapy and Fun, we look forward to more impressive accomplishments and inspiring moments. We’ll keep you updated!
(Please note that children’s names have been changed.)
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