Mission Complete: Therapy & Fun 2021 Recap

Therapy & Fun 2021 blasted off in June with 48 participants! Everyone was super excited about getting to meet in person again. About a third of our participants were returning to the program while the rest were brand new to CTC.

The theme this year was outer space and we had some stellar activities. Kiddos made clay models of planets, put together their very own space suits and even had some run-ins with extraterrestrial life. All the while, they improved their fine and gross motor skills, speech skills and made friends along the way.

2020 may have been a crazy year, but 2021’s Therapy and Fun was out of this world! We welcomed 48 young clients who completed over 1900 hours of therapy this summer.

We were also excited to welcome back 36 volunteers who donated almost 3000 hours of their time to helping our kids walk, talk, learn and play.

Add to that 14 therapists, 9 program staff, and 8 graduate student interns, and we had quite a wonderful crew.

Shooting For The Stars
We had some stunning successes this year! One of our kiddos’ goals was to learn to walk up stairs. According to her mother, “It was really awesome! Before Therapy & Fun, she would use both feet on every stair with uncertainty. This year, there were stairs when we went camping … she was alternating feet on each step which was amazing because we don’t work on that much at home.” She also learned how to write her own name when asked, “…for me it is a yardstick of progress, it’s huge!”

“You won’t regret it. I don’t think there is anything to lose. You’re only going to gain from this, you’re going to learn a lot about your kid and what they are capable of, you’re going to meet a lot of people who care about your kid and their success.”
– T&F Parent

We Had a Great Crew
These successes wouldn’t be possible without our teen volunteers who donate their time into putting the FUN in Therapy & Fun. One of our volunteers, Max, was walking one of our kiddos back to her mom at the end of the day. When he came back, one of our therapists noticed that his pants were wet. When asked why, he responded with “She wanted to swing so I hopped on it first so she wouldn’t get wet!”

“I am just fortunate to know the friends I have made and that we found this program. My ten year old came in on the orientation day and she told me, ‘Mom, I really want to do this!’ She is excited to help another kid in the next year and to be able to volunteer for the summer!” – T&F Parent

Funding the Mission
We had two fundraisers this summer, and your participation made them a huge success! All of the proceeds go right back into the Therapy & Fun Scholarship Fund. On July 26, the Mitten Brewing Co. donated 50% of all food sales to CTC’s scholarship fund. By the end of the day, tummies were full and we raised about $3,000! After eating all that pizza, it was time to work it off at our first ever running event. We had 59 people (and a couple of dogs) sign up, raising a total of $3,010!

Thank you to everyone, from clients to staff to volunteers, for making Therapy & Fun 2021 an out of this world experience. See you next year!

So What’s Next?
Just because Therapy & Fun is over, that doesn’t mean that Comprehensive Therapy Center is finished with their mission. We have plenty of other programs like our Therapeutic Play and Learn Groups and upcoming Storytime. Stay tuned and follow us on social media to learn all about these opportunities!

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