“Your time can be more valuable than money. Your ideas. Just having a conversation with someone about your passions and things you want to do in this world can spark something unexpected. Have fun!” – Josie Davis
As a non-profit organization, CTC depends on the kindness of people in our community to help us with our mission of helping those with disabilities reach their full potential. This can range from directly donating to our organization to volunteering for our programs.
One unique way somebody has helped CTC is through tattoo fundraisers! Meet Josie Davis, a local tattoo artist and owner of Sparrow’s Nest Tattoo Studio in Grand Rapids. Mi. We sat down with Josie to talk about her involvement in CTC and philanthropy in general.
Josie first learned about CTC when looking for therapy options for her eldest son. “I remember finding the CTC website and was drawn to finding out more about [Therapy & Fun]. We participated … for a few years. I remember noticing the tremendous leap my son made in attaining goals that summer and the boost it gave his confidence. I really admired the structure CTC had evolved around play and learning.”Not only did Josie want to give back to CTC, she also wanted to help out other organizations in Grand Rapids. So, she decided to team up with other tattoo artists in the area to fundraise. Artists auction off tattoos and donate the proceeds to charity. “I loved this idea because we were all staying busy during the past few years and I felt it was a good time to support local orgs that have been doing wonderful things in Grand Rapids,” says Josie. “I have always been brainstorming ways that I could utilize what I do to give back. I am so thankful for a community that supports me and my family. I want to help out and make sure my footprint here can have a positive effect on future generations.”
We asked Josie what philanthropy meant to her personally. “I think it means to give selflessly,” she responded. “To do something caring and intelligent for someone or something else. Hoping for abundance for something besides yourself, something you may never reap a reward for.” She stressed the importance of making your voice heard and sharing your ideas. “… you don’t need to shout it or be validated to know you are doing something amazing. But it can be the ideas you share that are BIG. Someone may be wondering in what ways they can contribute with the resources they have. They may need your ideas to build their philanthropy. So from someone that doesn’t like to be in the spotlight. Be bold about your ideas but humble.”
Thank you Josie and all of the artists who’ve used their time and talents to help us and others succeed at their missions. To learn more about Josie and Sparrow’s Nest Tattoos, check out her instagram or head to their website.
Interested in hosting your own fundraisers for CTC?