Volunteers are the lifeblood of any non-profit, and ours is no different. We are so proud of all of our volunteers and grateful for all of the time and energy you give us. You are what allows CTC and Therapy & Fun to achieve such a great level of service.
At Therapy & Fun this summer, our 25 volunteers gave a total of 2,100 hours to help make the program a success.
At our awards ceremony, we presented our outstanding helpers with the President’s Volunteer Service Award. The PVSA is the premier volunteer awards program, encouraging United States citizens through presidential recognition to live a life of service.
We had winners at all three levels of awards: Bronze, Sliver, and Gold.
Silver Level. Kids: 75 to 99 hours Young Adults: 175 to 249 hours Adults: 250 to 499 hours Family & Groups: 500 to 999 hours
Gold Level. Kids: 100 hours or more Young Adults: 250 hours or more Adults: 500 hours or more Family & Groups: 1000 hours or more
Our Bronze Award winners were: Kate Blumenstein, Hayden Burt, Maddie Burt, Melissa Henry, Quinn Hodgman, Torin Hodgman, Emma Johnson, Karlie Johnson, Jacob Kooyer, Anne Trube, and Jan Wilks.
Our Silver Award winners were: Brie Augustine, Payton Bidwell, Hannah DeWys, Gavin Johnson, Stellita Kuyper, Jordan Orr, Rod Trube, Analis Wilks, Jacqui Wilks, and Yelena Wilks.
Our Gold Award Winners were: Brett Bosley, Bryan Bosley, Aiden Brink, Emma Brink, Tabitha Frazier, Kelley Syverson, Jessie Trube, Owen Trube, and Macies Zack.
In addition, the Trube family and the Brink family achieved the Family Volunteering award. Congratulations to them and all our volunteers for all of their hard work and faithful service. We couldn’t have done it without you!
One last success is that Comprehensive Therapy Center itself was awarded the Gold level Agency Award. We are thrilled to have received such an impressive award.
We want to thank every one of you for being such active, helpful members of our community, and great role models. We appreciate you every day you join with us.